

  • 喜剧片父愁者联盟

    主演:娜塔莉·爱娃隆 Matthias Bundschuh 英卡·芙德瑞 丽莎 海纳·劳特尔巴赫 Junis Marlon 雅各布·马琛茨 安德烈亚斯·皮特斯柯曼 丽萨·波特霍夫 玛丽·卢·塞勒姆 Hilmi S?zer 亚妮娜·乌泽 于尔根·福格尔 Hendrik von Bültzingsl?wen Michaela Wiebusch 



  • 剧情片穷乡僻壤

    主演:Birge Schade 凯·伊沃·保利兹 安娜·思迪布里克 

    导演:Markus Busch

    简介:Tania is an actress, 43. Thore is 15, a misfit in a small village at the northern tip of Germany. At the beginning of winter, Tania escapes from her numb life to the village. They meet. She decides to steal him from his parents.  The actress Tania travels from Munich to a village in the north of Germany. The skies are grey, just like the sea and the wintery plains. Her feelings are also covered in a grey veil of mist. Her painful past makes it impossible for this forty-something to feel anything at all.  The arrival of the stranger is immediately noticed in the tight-lipped community, but she is hardly welcome. Only the teenager Thore, whose imagination is too much for this no-man’s-land, has contact with her. A fragile band develops between them - attraction, rejection and occasionally sexually charged. Thore reveals a need in Tania, one she didn’t know she had. She decides to ‘steal’ Thore to come to terms with her own loss.  Rough is a directing debut filmed with great poise and with a sharp eye for this beautiful yet slightly depressing landscape and the people who inhabit it. The camera first functions as a detached observer, then as an accomplice, always very close to Tania.

  • 剧情片兔子谜题

    主演:Sebastian Tessenow Matthias Zwarg Bianca Kriel 

    导演:Michael Chlebusch


  • 剧情片恐袭哥本哈根

    主演:尼古拉·科斯特-瓦尔道 雅各布·奥福特布罗 松佳·里奇特 拉尔斯·博格曼 尼克莱·寇佩尼库斯 Sidsel Siem Koch Afshin Firouzi Inge Lise Goltermann Adam Fischer Jack Hansen Bo Carlsson Nadia Nouamani Adam Buschard Albert Arthur Amiryan Dennis Halad 


    简介:  Notat is a feature film based on the real events of the first act of terror in Denmark.  Copenhagen, Feburary 14, 2015. On an icy cold winter's day, a terrorist attack is carried out, targeting first an event on freedom of speech at the cultural centre “Krudtt?nden” and then the synagogue of Copenhagen during a bat mitzvah.

  • 科幻片深空六号基地

    主演:Olunike Adeliyi 克里斯蒂安·布鲁恩 Ginger Ruriko Busch Mika Collins Katherine Gauthier Joanna Haughton Casey Hudecki Andy Hull 海伦·约翰斯 米歇尔·摩根 克里斯·拉茨 

    导演:Davin Lengyel

    简介:Cut off from home and facing an impossible mission against mounting odds, "Deep Six" is a hyper-realistic live-action portrayal of a deep space forward operating base at a pivotal moment for humankind 250 years in our future.

  • 科幻片湮没

    主演:Olunike Adeliyi 克里斯蒂安·布鲁恩 Ginger Ruriko Busch Mika Collins Katherine Gauthier Joanna Haughton Casey Hudecki Andy Hull 海伦·约翰斯 米歇尔·摩根 克里斯·拉茨 

    导演:Davin Lengyel

    简介:  Cut off from home and facing an impossible mission against mounting odds, "Deep Six" is a hyper-realistic live-action portrayal of a deep space forward operating base at a pivotal moment for humankind 250 years in our future.

  • 剧情片女强盗


    导演:Markus Busch

    简介:Tania is an actress, 43. Thore is 15, a misfit in a 求爱all village at the northern tip of Germany. At the beginning of winter, Tania escapes from her numb life to the village. They meet. She decides to steal him from his parents. The actress Tania travels from Munich to a village in the north of Germany. The skies are grey, just like the sea and the wintery plains. Her feelings are also covered in a grey veil of mist. Her painful past makes it impossible for this forty-something to feel anything at all. The arrival of the stranger is immediately noticed in the tight-lipped community, but she is hardly welcome. Only the teenager Thore, whose imagination is too much for this no-man’s-land, has contact with her. A fragile band develops between them - attraction, rejection and occasionally sexually charged. Thore reveals a need in Tania, one she didn’t know she had. She decides to ‘steal’ Thore to come to terms with her own loss. Rough is a directing debut filmed with great poise and with a sharp eye for this beautiful yet slightly depressing landscape and the people who inhabit it. The camera first functions as a detached observer, then as an accomplice, always very close to Tania.

  • 喜剧片金鱼2019

    主演:汤姆·希林 杰拉·哈斯 比吉特·米尼希迈尔 阿克塞尔·施泰因 基达·拉马丹 简·亨瑞克·斯塔伯格 安德亚斯·杜伯斯 Angelo Borer Luisa W?llisch Christian Ammermüller Jonas Baum Julia Eiber Thomas Gr??le Stephan Buschmann 

    导演:Alireza Golafshan


  • 喜剧片小野猫公路历险记

    主演:图拉.桑塔纳 Haji 洛蕊·威廉姆斯 Ray Barlow 伯纳德 Michael Finn Dennis Busch Stuart Lancaster Paul Trinka 


    简介:  讲述的是三位A-Go-Go-Dancers的公路荒原历险记。女头目是一名日裔女子,脸容睁狞而且是空手道黑带,其余两位一是拉丁美人,另一是金发姑娘。而重要的是,三位小野猫的胸前都是空前伟大的。话说三小野猫驾着跑车在公路上飞驰,在沙漠上遇上一情侣,女头目与该男的一言不合初则口角继而动武,女头目把男的打个落花流水,更徒手拗断他的手臂而死。三小野猫虏劫剩下来楚楚可怜的小女子。四人到达了荒原上一村屋,屋内住有三名男子,老的是父亲,不良于行但老奸巨滑,细仔四肢发达头脑简单,大仔则算是个正常的乡下人。三男子邀四女子作客……其后的剧情,搞不清是男的垂涎女的美色,还是女的垂涎男的,是女头目贪图老奸巨的钱财,还是老奸巨识破了小野猫曾杀人虏掠。总之到最后,大仔助小女子逃走,女头目赶至与他混战一场,最后女头目被小女子驱车撞死……

  • 欧美剧荒野理想国第一季

    主演:Jeff Wilbusch Aaron Altaras Merlin Rose Maria Dragus Emma Drogunova Verena Altenberger 



  • 欧美剧荒野理想国



    简介:  In the midst of the impassable landscape at the foot of the Alps, a young group of serious offenders is undergoing an experiential educational program intended to rehabilitate them. All of a sudden, a member of the program dies a violent death. Nobody knows exactly what happened, and the youths face a difficult decision. Should they wait for the authorities to recover the body and investigate the crime? Or, escape and take their fate into their own hands? The group doesnt have much in common with each other, though one thing unites them; all of them have had really bad experiences with the authorities and don‘t expect to be treated fairly. Since they dont know who the perpetrator is, they only have one option: to run. Up the mountains, up the highest peaks of the Alps. It seems hopeless until they stumble onto a complex cave system where they can find shelter from wind, weather, and their pursuers. In their fight against the forces of nature, they form their own society, according to their own rules: the Wild Republic.

  • 动作片特别行动组

    主演:Uwe Fellensiek Christian Goebel Michaela Wiebusch Pasquale Aleardi 



  • 剧情片国土防线

    主演:Jeremy Feldbusch 



  • 剧情片暧昧

    主演:柯奂如 Inga Busch 胡婷婷 

    导演:Monika Treut

    简介:由德国女导演莫妮卡-楚特执导、台湾与德国两地公司联合制片的一部女同性恋题材新影片《暧昧》的剧组已经结束了在德国汉堡的拍摄,目前正在台湾摄制外景戏。 《暧昧》是一部以台湾和德国两地为故事背景的剧情片,片中德国汉堡的女艺术家索菲的同性恋人爱玲被谋杀后,由胡婷婷出演的台湾女记者梅丽又与索菲之间有一段浪漫同性恋情,同时还交织着调查爱玲死因的悬疑故事。据莫妮卡-楚特的制片公司发布的消息,影片《暧昧》获得了汉堡市政府电影基金会、德国文化部以及台湾地区新闻局的资金支持。 《暧昧》集浪漫、悬疑、惊悚于一炉,胡婷婷饰演记者,和德国艺术片女演员英嘉布什(Inga Busch)演的摄影师有激情戏,胡婷婷说:“我没裸露,但和英嘉布什有亲吻,感觉还不错,像吃棉花糖又甜又软,和亲男生没甚么不同,不是异性间刺激的吸引,但有说不出来的温柔,其实爱情是不分性别的。” 导演莫妮卡-楚特多年以来在她的电影作品中将性别与性倾向话题作为关注内容之一。另据爱白网资料,这位在德国颇具名气的独立电影人曾在许多国际电影节上获奖,其中包括获得柏林电影节的泰迪熊奖、以及意大利都灵同性恋主题电影节的最佳影片奖。可說是德、台混寫兒的劇情長片【曖昧】移師20日在台北市國際藝術村取景,此片導演蒙妮卡楚特其實與台灣很有淵源,她過去曾多次來台,除了參加女性影展、更擔任金馬獎評審,她長期對台灣的一切充滿興趣也很熟悉。這回創作【曖昧】,故事跨越德國漢堡、台灣台北兩個城市,一西一東,藉由3個女性角色,寫下兩段複雜深刻的愛情故事。 【曖昧】整個劇組之前已於德國拍攝月餘,包括柯奐如、胡婷婷等台灣演員都飛至漢堡拍片。而女主角蒙妮卡3天前帶著十多位德國劇組工作人員飛來台北,展開台北部份的拍攝,估計兩週之後殺青。【曖昧】預計年底後製完成,初步計畫將參加明年初的柏林影展,台灣則暫定明年3月左右上映。


