简介:令人期待的同志系列电影【Donald Strachey Mystery】是同志付费频道Here!推出的同志推理影集。自第一部《Third Man Out》一炮而红后,Here!保持着每年一部的制作速度。今年本来该是原著系列第6部“Ice Blues”搬上银幕,但7月16日Here!播出的却是根据原著第2部“On the Other Hand, Death”改编,这委实给人带来不小的惊喜:众所周知,“On the Other Hand, Death”在整套原著中好评度仅次于“Shock to the System”。
我们的同志私家侦探Donald Strachey这次要面对的是恐同事件。一对年长的拉拉伴侣Kidder和Rose受到威胁和恐吓,她们已经一同生活了大半生,在社区本来拥有宁静的晚年。是谁会对她们如此深恶痛绝?Don展开了调查。Kidder是...
简介:In post-civil war America, when a Union soldier is presumed dead, his children are mistakenly sent away on the orphan train. This is a wild-west story of people uniting for the greater good, and children forced to grow up quickly.