简介: 杜恩(金伯莉·安妮·田舍利 Kimberley Anne Tiamsiri 饰)和皮特(金伯莉·安妮·田舍利 Kimberley Anne Tiamsiri 饰)虽然是姐妹,但是性格却大相径庭。杜恩是光芒万丈的模特,平日里任何事情都以自我为中心,为了达到目的不惜使用任何手段。姐妹两人的父母去世的早,照顾杜恩的责任全由皮特一人肩负。某日,皮特邂逅了名为瓦利特(詹姆斯·马 James Ma 饰)的男子,瓦利特刚开始将杜恩和皮特给弄混了,但很快,他就知道,杜恩是一个不能惹的狠角色。巧合的是,瓦利特的叔叔是杜恩的新情人,很快,杜恩就对老男人失去了兴趣,把注意力转移到了年轻英俊的瓦利特身上。
简介:Everyone at school is dead...
One day, a mass suicide occurs at school!
Daean School is a school of hope; however, in reality, its actually a place of despair where the students are treated like garbage. It's unbelievable but true. The teachers of Daean School are drowned in desire to an extent that they step on the students' dreams.
It is time to set things right.
The principal of Daean School cries of shame!